GSA on Aging
The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) brings together educators, clinicians, administrators, researchers, and students who share their experiences, expertise, and innovations in aging. The GSA On Aging Podcast series covers a wide range of topics related to aging and gerontology. It features interviews with experts and discussions on research papers published in various GSA journals. The series explores various aspects of aging, including dementia, technology, ageism, age-friendly communities, and other relevant issues affecting older adults.

Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
The Older Americans Act: Protecting and Strengthening Services for the Future
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
The Older Americans Act (OAA) is a landmark legislation passed with Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 to provide critical support and services to older people in the United States. With Patricia D’Antonio, GSA’s Vice President of Policy and Professional Affairs, and Amy Gotwals, USAging’s Chief of Public Policy and External Affairs, this Policy Profile Podcast explores the OAA's history, impact, and future. Join us as we delve into the OAA's programs, successes, and today’s challenges.
Senate Version of Older Americans Act Reauthorization
USAging: Older Americans Act Reauthorization 2024-2025
Administration for Community Living
Leadership Council on Aging Organizations (LCAO) Chair’s Letter on Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act
Eldercare Locator
Amy Gotwals, BA, MA Legislative Affairs, USAging, Chief, Public Policy and External Affairs
Patricia D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP, GSA, Vice-President of Policy and Professional Affairs

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Mentorship: Part 3 of 3 (GSA Section)
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Considering the Interplay of Research and Policy
The dynamic interplay between research and policy affects geriatric/gerontology practice and research. Whether researcher, practitioner, or policy maker, understanding the context of each strengthens the reach of our work.
HS SRPP joint development team included:
Carol Geary, PhD, MBA, RN
Julie Gordon, DrPH, CPHQ
Jolie Harris, DNS RN
Anju Paudel, PhD, MGS, RN
Mentorship: Part 3 of 3
This GSA Section Podcast episode is hosted by Jolie Harris, explores mentorship from the mentor and mentee perspectives with insights shared by distinguished GSA members Ann Kolanowski and Jasmine Travers.
Ann Kolanowski, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN
Jasmine Travers, PhD, RN
Jolie Harris, DNS RN
This podcast episode is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Consideration of Policy Influences on Research: Part 2 of 3 (GSA Section)
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Considering the Interplay of Research and Policy
The dynamic interplay between research and policy affects geriatric/gerontology practice and research. Whether researcher, practitioner, or policy maker, understanding the context of each strengthens the reach of our work.
HS SRPP joint development team included:
Carol Geary, PhD, MBA, RN
Julie Gordon, DrPH, CPHQ
Jolie Harris, DNS RN
Anju Paudel, PhD, MGS, RN
Consideration of Policy Influences on Research: Part 2 of 3
This episode hosted by Julie Gordon, focuses on how policy influences research in geriatrics and gerontology. Robyn Stone and Alice Bonner, experts with decades of experience, address the “long view” of the critical interplay between policy and research.
Alice Bonner, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAANP
Robyn Stone, DrPH, FGSA, FNASI
Julie Gordon, DrPH, CPHQ
This podcast episode is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Using Research to Advance Policy: Part 1 of 3 (GSA Section)
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Considering the Interplay of Research and Policy
The dynamic interplay between research and policy affects geriatric/gerontology practice and research. Whether researcher, practitioner, or policy maker, understanding the context of each strengthens the reach of our work.
HS SRPP joint development team included:
Carol Geary, PhD, MBA, RN
Julie Gordon, DrPH, CPHQ
Jolie Harris, DNS RN
Anju Paudel , PhD, MGS, RN
Using Research to Advance Policy: Part 1 of 3 (GSA Section)
This GSA Section Podcast explores the interplay between research and policy in geriatrics and gerontology featuring the work and insights of esteemed GSA members Ann Kolanowski and Jasmine Travers. Hosted by Anju Paudel.
Ann Kolanowski, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN
Jasmine Travers, PhD, RN
Anju Paudel, PhD, MGS, RN
This podcast episode is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
The GSA Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization (ESPO) created and supports a limited podcast series called Talks With a Trailblazer. In this series, we invite leaders in the field of aging research, education, practice, and policy to share their experiences and wisdom to inspire up-and-coming GSA members and inform the general public about aging well. We will cover a variety of areas of interest, including career reviews, tips for people considering careers in aging, anecdotes from the featured trailblazers’ years of experience, and words of wisdom and practical pointers for people as they age.
In this episode, the ESPO Past Chair, Dr. Kalisha Bonds Johnson, interviews Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dr. Tamara Baker, about her career, research, and advice for future generations.
Tamara Baker, PHD, FGSA
Kalisha Bonds Johnson, PhD, RN
This podcast episode is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.
Click here to check out our other Trailblazers podcast episode with Dr. Jim Nelson.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
The GSA Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization (ESPO) created and supports a limited podcast series called Talks With a Trailblazer. In this series, we invite leaders in the field of aging research, education, practice, and policy to share their experiences and wisdom to inspire up-and-coming GSA members and inform the general public about aging well. We will cover a variety of areas of interest, including career reviews, tips for people considering careers in aging, anecdotes from the featured trailblazers’ years of experience, and words of wisdom and practical pointers for people as they age.
In this episode, the ESPO Chair, Dr. Brianna Morgan, interviews GSA Board of Directors Chair, Dr. James F. Nelson, about his career, experience with GSA, and advice for future scholars.
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Tamara Baker, PhD, FGSA
James Nelson, PhD, FGSA
Kalisha Bonds, PhD, RN
Brianna Morgan, PhD, CRNP
This podcast episode is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.
Click here to view our other Trailblazers podcast episode with Dr. Tamara Baker.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
This edition of GSA Policy Profile Series highlights the latest legislative activity regarding the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA), which recently was voted out of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee, an advancement that serves as a key milestone. Learn how TROA has evolved, its changes in Medicare coverage, what research has been used to advance and advocate for the Act, where TROA is headed in Congress, and what a final legislative act may look like.
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Tracy Zvenyach, PhD, MS, RN, Director of Policy, Strategy and Alliances at the Obesity Action Coalition
Patricia M. "Trish" D'Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP, Vice President, Policy and Professional Affairs, Gerontological Society of America
Additional resources:
GSA’s evidence-based KAER Toolkit for the Management of Obesity in Older Adults
GSA Enrich Learning Center: Obesity and Overweight
GSA’s Policy Advocacy
Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (H.R. 4818)
CDC Adult Obesity Prevalence Maps
Trust For America’s Health State of Obesity
This podcast episode is supported by Novo Nordisk.
![GSA Interest Group Podcast: Understanding Person-Centered Care for Older Adults: Thailand [6/6]](
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Understanding Person-Centered Care for Older Adults in Six Developing Countries/Regions: Thailand [Episode 6]
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The impact of population aging is universally recognized and has been extensively studied in wealthier, developed regions. But we know much less about how aging is experienced by low- and middle-income countries and populations and how these regions are responding to the challenges created by the aging of their populations. The rapid rate of population aging in many developing parts of the world—fueled by falling fertility rates and a shift in the predominance of chronic diseases rather than acute and infectious illnesses—has left little time to anticipate and prepare for the consequences of aging populations.
The GSA Interest Group on Common Data Elements for International Research in Residential Long-term Care has developed a limited podcast series to provide insights into how culture, competing population health priorities, political conflict, and resource limitations influence older adults, their families, and paid/formal caregivers along a trajectory of development, including Brazil, China, East Jerusalem, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Thailand.
Guest: Siriphan Sasat, PhD, RN, CPGDr. Sasat is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. She is the Director of the Centre for Health and Well-being Promotion for Older People and the Chair of the Thai Long-Term Care Nurses Society. Dr. Sasat previously served as the Secretary-General for the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Asia/Oceania Region (IAGG-AOR), and as the Vice President of the Thai Society of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. She earned her doctoral and master’s degrees in nursing with a focus on gerontology and the care of older people at the University of Hull in the United Kingdom. Additionally, she received a baccalaureate degree in nursing and midwifery from the McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University in Thailand.
Host: Barbara Bowers, PhD, RN, FAAN, FGSA, Emerita Professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Nursing; Founding Director of the UW–Madison School of Nursing’s Center for Aging Research and Education
Moderator:Jing Wang, PhD, RN, FAAN, Assistant Professor at the University of New Hampshire, College of Health and Human Services
This podcast limited series is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.
![GSA Interest Group Podcast: Understanding Person-Centered Care for Older Adults: Ghana [5/6]](
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Understanding Person-Centered Care for Older Adults in Six Developing Countries/Regions: Ghana [Episode 5]
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The impact of population aging is universally recognized and has been extensively studied in wealthier, developed regions. But we know much less about how aging is experienced by low- and middle-income countries and populations and how these regions are responding to the challenges created by the aging of their populations. The rapid rate of population aging in many developing parts of the world—fueled by falling fertility rates and a shift in the predominance of chronic diseases rather than acute and infectious illnesses—has left little time to anticipate and prepare for the consequences of aging populations.
The GSA Interest Group on Common Data Elements for International Research in Residential Long-term Care has developed a limited podcast series to provide insights into how culture, competing population health priorities, political conflict, and resource limitations influence older adults, their families, and paid/formal caregivers along a trajectory of development, including Brazil, China, East Jerusalem, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Thailand.
Guest: Diana Abudu-Birresborn, PhDDr. Abudu-Birresborn is a doctoral graduate of the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, with a specialization in Health Systems Leadership and Administration and a collaborative specialization in ageing from the Institute of Life Course and Ageing, at the University of Toronto, Canada. Dr. Abudu-Birresborn has more than a decade of nursing experience in rural and urban communities of Ghana. Her doctoral work focused on the preparation of nursing students to care for older adults in Ghana. Specifically, she examined nursing students' self-efficacy in caring for older adults in acute care settings, using a mixed-method approach.
Host: Barbara Bowers, PhD, RN, FAAN, FGSA, Emerita Professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Nursing; Founding Director of the UW–Madison School of Nursing’s Center for Aging Research and Education
Moderator:Jing Wang, PhD, RN, FAAN, Assistant Professor at the University of New Hampshire, College of Health and Human Services
This podcast limited series is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.
![GSA Interest Group Podcast: Understanding Person-Centered Care for Older Adults: Ethiopia [4/6]](
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Tuesday Mar 26, 2024
Understanding Person-Centered Care for Older Adults in Six Developing Countries/Regions: Ethiopia [Episode 4]
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The impact of population aging is universally recognized and has been extensively studied in wealthier, developed regions. But we know much less about how aging is experienced by low- and middle-income countries and populations and how these regions are responding to the challenges created by the aging of their populations. The rapid rate of population aging in many developing parts of the world—fueled by falling fertility rates and a shift in the predominance of chronic diseases rather than acute and infectious illnesses—has left little time to anticipate and prepare for the consequences of aging populations.
The GSA Interest Group on Common Data Elements for International Research in Residential Long-term Care has developed a limited podcast series to provide insights into how culture, competing population health priorities, political conflict, and resource limitations influence older adults, their families, and paid/formal caregivers along a trajectory of development, including Brazil, China, East Jerusalem, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Thailand.
Guest: Nigussie Tadesse Sharew, MSNigussie is a doctoral student at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide Medical School in Australia, where he is studying the pharmacogenomics of drugs used in the treatment of mental health disorders. He holds two master’s degrees in clinical epidemiology from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and adult health nursing from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. He was an Assistant Professor at Debre Berhan University in Ethiopia, where he has served as Dean of the College of Health Science for three years and as head of the nursing department for two years.
Host: Barbara Bowers, PhD, RN, FAAN, FGSA, Emerita Professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Nursing; Founding Director of the UW–Madison School of Nursing’s Center for Aging Research and Education
Moderator:Jing Wang, PhD, RN, FAAN, Assistant Professor at the University of New Hampshire, College of Health and Human Services
This podcast limited series is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.